The action-adventure anime series Arslan Senki is based on a Japanese novel written by Yoshiki Tanaka. It is also known worldwide by it’s another name, “The Heroic legends of Arslan.”
The fame of the manga was so massive that it was as clear as crystal to the authors to make an anime adaptation for the series was going to be necessary.
Noriyuki Abe carried the production of this anime, and Makoto Uezu drafted its script. The first part of the original novel was published in the year of 1986. But the first TV series aired in 2015 while season 2 aired in 2016. From the first episode of the first season, it gained immense popularity all over the world.
As the light novel had garnered massive worldwide popularity. This resulted in a unanimous decision from the makers to create a set of OVA inspired by the plotline of the novel.
Sachiko Kamimura designed the characters for the first 2 OVA. What made these two OVA different is that they had a movie-like feel to them because of a longer duration. Instead of the traditional 30 minutes tenure designated for OVAs, these two were over an hour long each. Kadokawa Shoten, in collaboration with Sony Music, was responsible for the production.
News and Updates about Arslan Senki Season 3
Due to the massive global popularity, other than the OVA released in 1995, the first game based on the manga was created in 1993 by Sega Mega-CD. Titled as Heroic legends of Arslan, the videogame paved the way for the OVA in reality.
The huge fan following of the video game lead to the idea that Arslan may get a season 3 in some time. However, conceptualizing the perfect script and finding the right crew to create the same magic as season 1 and 2 needed a lot of time and re-edits.
It is believed that Arslan Senki Season 3 will be about the life of Silvermask. Although the story will be from Silvermask’s point of perspective. He will not be able to be showcased as the main protagonist in this season.
All along the anime Season 1 and 2, Silvermask had a mysterious backdrop that was never explored much. Since the manga original had explored Silvermask to a great extent, it was an apparent known fact that season 3 of Arslan Senki will be all about him and his past.
Season 3 will take the fans into the old memories of the past life of Silver Mask that will reveal the efforts he went through to get the leadership of the Lusitanian army. Season 3 will draw to a close with the clash of the Silvermask’s army and the Arslan’s troops. It will make both of them engaged in a war to capture the dominion of the empire of Pars. There is a rumor that the next volume of the manga series will be the last one, and it is sad news for the readers.
The plot of Arslan Senki Season 3
The story of Arslan Senki is all about pre-Islamic Persia and nearby Kingdoms where magic exists. This anime starts with its main character, Arslan, who is the prince of the realm of the Pars. Pars are captured by the neighboring kingdom of Lusitania and Arslan succeeds to form a powerful troop to free his nation from the Lusitanian control. Various demotic issues are expressed here as slavery, religion, and equality, which are shown with the use of extreme violence. This anime has various subplots that are covered in each episode. And then they merged and added more value in the storyline. This anime is labeled as ‘fantasy,’ but in many cases, you can see that magically comes in the picture. The main focus of this anime is on the battle story between civilized nations.
Release Date of Season 3-
There is no official announcement yet whether the anime will be resumed for Arslan Senki season 3 or not. But the fans assume that it will come back as the author of the anime still has plenty of stories for making season 3.
Arslan Senki Season 1 and 2 dubbed
Season 1 and 2’s English dub version is available on Funimation.
Overall, ‘Arslan Senki’ is a lot more than an anime for the depth of its plot and main characters. If you love war based anime series, you will love it most. The series manages to gain a lot of appreciation from the fans and the critics also. The studio has not made any announcement regarding the renewal of the anime, but the die-hard fans are still praying for the Arslan Senki Season 3. We hope that their wait will come to an end very soon. If you too believe that comment below and let us know. Keep visiting DiscoverDiary for major updates on Anime, Manga, and Games. You can also join our Reddit Community for more awesome content.