Check Out the Most Beloved Anime Characters of All Time

Not all anime shows fully succeed in portraying lovable or even likable characters. Anime thrives by bringing complex, difficult personalities to viewers.

Even this disillusioned genre can’t resist but show beloved anime characters that viewers never hate. Their appealing characteristics make them ideal prospects for anime characters deserving of sequel series.


Both good guys and villains cannot be represented with only one or two attributes. But their shortcomings serve to make them even more fun. Find out the Top 5 most loved anime characters of all time.

Kakashi Hatake – ‘Naruto’

Kakashi is the one to recognize Naruto as a professional ninja. Kakashi wants his students to do brilliant things and skillfully wield their powers, just like he does.

The man has incredible command over his dynamic capabilities and Sharingan, which you never anticipate given his character’s relaxed nature.


Kakashi also appears as a charmer for all his sincerity; a perfect example is a running gag on what’s concealed underneath his face mask. Despite this profoundly tragic character, whose traumatic childhood will leave most viewers heartbroken, his reserved personality often fits.

Spike Spiegel – ‘Cowboy Bebop’

A magnificently cool man whose style of fighting elicits Bruce Lee’s, Spiegel brings his opponents down of the same ease as when he trades witty banter with the Bebop crew members.

Not only does Spiegel himself seem cool, but he’s also incredibly well-developed in plot context. His history with the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate influences his attitude and actions in ways that are implicit, at times, implicit and sometimes episode’s focus.

Check Out the Most Beloved Anime Characters of All Time
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Maes Hughes – ‘Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’

Although most of the characters in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood possess relatively large fanbases, no one sticks like Maes Hughes and his family.

Hughes works as a soldier in his professional career, but his personal life shows him in a far more compassionate role.

He truly loves his wife and three-year-old daughter, so much so that he happily presents pictures of them to everyone who looks, and spends most of his time on the screen speaking about the happiness they give him.

The anime crowd supports any and all incredible fathers, especially those in the line of duty who risk it all.

Check Out the Most Beloved Anime Characters of All Time
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Saitama – ‘One Punch Man’

Saitama comes in like a gift from heaven for anime fans who are sick of regular shonen heroes. Surely his supernatural abilities permit him to brag about his odds of success, but Saitama never stumbles.

He just allows his capabilities to speak for themselves, choosing to focus on the important aspects of life for him, like low seafood prices at the grocery.

However, Saitama never veers away from his workouts or his sense of responsibility despite his easygoing personality, reminding viewers that even gods need to work for their glory.

His refreshing personality, coupled with his kick-butt ability makes him one of the popular anime characters of all time.

L Lawliet – ‘Death Note’

The hunched over, the cake-eating detective who is trying to bring down Light, is loved almost overwhelmingly. People consider L fantastic for a myriad of factors.

For one aspect, his idiosyncratic conduct separates him not only from other geniuses of Death Note but also from different anime series.

While scientifically brilliant, L never pretends that he comes without any shortcomings. He takes little physical care of himself, and at best, his standards are questionable when it comes to solving crimes.


Anime as a genre is one that is always characterized by its favorite characters, whether it’s the best-looking, most intriguing, or most badass character. The above characters are just some of the most well-received anime characters out there.

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