The Mysterious Origin Of One Punch Man- Saitama

The Mysterious Origin Of One Punch Man- Saitama

There are various different Strange Beings in the universe of One Punch Man. For example the Aliens following the lead of Lord Boros, the Sky, Sea & Underground Peoples and their Lords, the artificially shaped and altered humans, the mythological beings and few others that don’t go in any of certain categories. Though there is one particular variety of Mysterious Beings that should please us in this article:


The people that turned by themselves!

Among others we do have these 3 who were previously normal humans until they did a “special” act that changed something in them:

  • Crablante was a human that consumed countless crabs unto he experienced a metamorphosis. Now being quite a crab-human with increased strength & an exoskeleton.

    Origin Of One Punch Man

  • Personification Of A Light Pull Record was a regular human till he darkness boxed with the dome light pull in a room until he changed into a Strange Being, greatly improving his strength far exceeding that of a normal human.
  • Tongue Stretcher was a regular person that liked reptiles so greatly that he changed into a reptile-like person himself.
    Giving him reptile-like looks and the capacity to considerably extend his tongue.

    Origin Of One Punch Man

The 3 of them were all regular humans with a passion or a dream that finally became true. We do not understand why it occurred, though it did appear and Saitama had something related!


Saitama’s Dream

Origin Of One Punch Man

Saitama himself too had a similar dream. As a child, he had the desire to grow a superhero that has the strength to take every villain with one stroke. This goal came back when he faced Crabrante, who frightened a kid, back not being utilized as a salaryman. Not satisfied with his days until then did he turn and began to train.

Saitama’s Achievements


Origin Of One Punch Man

It led Saitama 3 years to get the strength to take down anyone with a single punch & the bodily strength to endure attacks that are declared to be powerful enough to damage earth’s surface & the earth itself without not many more than some marks and small bleeding. He is also able to withstand a hit, powerful enough to drive him to the moon, without a physical injury, being in outside space for several seconds up to some minutes and re-enter planet atmosphere without real damage. Saitama was further able to destroy a meteorite with a single punch, numerous extremely strong missiles & an incineration beacon, couldn’t achieve. Then there is also his superhuman speed, allowing him to perform different after-images.

Transformation Of Saitama Into One Punch Man

All this seems impossible for a person that only exercised 3 years and did just 100 Sit-Up’s, 100 Units and running 10km each and every day, in a system where a regular human is exactly like a human in our society. So I think that it is likely for Saitama to be mysterious being. Having converted into one in his dream and his practice. His Metamorphosis is the sacrifice of his hair, that came with his unexpected increase of power.

Origin Of One Punch Man


These articles give it seems likely to me that One Punch Man aka Saitama is a Strange Being himself, as it would justify his absurd jump in power in a world where a regular person would not be able to accomplish such a thing and where we previously saw people exercise harder.

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