Rokka no Yuusha,” also known as “Heroes of the Six Flowers,” is a Japanese light novel written by Ishio Yamagata and illustrated by Miyagi. This series is animated by ‘Passione Studio’ and the animation is quite astonishing. The series follows a mesmerizing capturing plot. The Anime was adapted by Passione studio in 2015 from July to September. Fans of the series are eagerly awaiting a second season following the conclusion of the first. There is no official confirmation of the season 2, even though a release date is teased multiple times for ‘Rokka No Yuusha’ Season 2 by the showrunners.
What is the summary of ‘Rokka No Yuusha’ first season?
Rokka No Yuusha/Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers is an anime adaptation of the Light Novel series of the same name. The story is set in a fantasy world where the six “Flowers” battle demons to protect the realm. The heroes were chosen by the Goddess of Fate to eradicate these monsters from the world. Even the Demon God Majin has sent monsters to ruin and bring disturbance into this fantasy world. All the chosen 6 has flower painting on them to let each other know that they are chosen by the Goddess of Fate. However, when all heroes get together they realize that there are 7 of them and they begin to suspect each other for an imposter sent by the Demon God.
How many volumes of ‘Rokka no Yuusha’ are there?
The manga has a total of 6 volumes but the anime only adapted 3 volumes in the first season. This shows that there is enough content left for a second season. The pure fantasy series seldom do well in Japan, or at least hasn’t been doing well in recent times. The chances are not zero, but it’s still low. Most people thought they wouldn’t bother dubbing it at all given its poor sales, but they did, so it goes to show the possibilities.
Season 2 spoilers-
No spoilers can be found online for ‘Rokka no Yuusha season 2‘ since the renewal of this amazing anime has not been declared yet. However, we believe in the following season, Adlet will try to prove himself that he is not the imposter sent by the Demon God. The Light Novel of this series has a total of 6 volumes and the anime only covered 3 of them. If season 2 ever gets animated the showrunners will try to cover the next 3 volumes.
Can we expect Rokka No Yuusha Season 2?
Fans are demanding for Season 2 of the anime for a long time now. The upcoming season is teased multiple times yet it is not officially confirmed. The story is not complete and the anime needs a second season to finish it. So some fans believe that season 2 is certain to get animated.
When is the release date of ‘Rokka Braves of the Six Flowers’ season 2?
Release Date: Yet to be announced
After the first season, the studio has shown its interest in the making of the second season. There is a great possibility for the release of Season 2 in 2020. However, an official announcement is awaited by the fans.
Where is the trailer of ‘Rokka no Yuusha’ Season 2?
No trailer is released yet for season 2 since no confirmation has been made by the studio about the renewal of the show. However, the trailer for season 1 is available on Youtube.
Where can we found English Dubbed episodes of ‘Rokka no Yuusha’?
The English dubbed episodes of season 1 are available on Crunchyroll, However, it is not confirmed yet if Season 2 will be dubbed in English or not. The whole thing entirely depends on the Japanese counterpart of the anime.
Do you guys believe that it will get a season 2? Feel free to leave a comment below and let us know. We will update this article when we hear about the release of ‘Rokka No Yuusha’ Season 2. Keep visiting DiscoverDiary for more Anime/Manga news and speculations. If you like our content, you can always join our Discord Server and subscribe to our Reddit Community. Thanks
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