Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301: Ban Vs Demon King Meliodas

The plan for Meliodas to become Demon King appears to antecede his deception and the time he first met Elizabeth. Also, It looks Meliodas had a certain level of knowledge of what this involved from the beginning, so following he met Elizabeth he began desiring to have a life of his own and not live only to become a new vessel for the Demon King. Now, let’s analyze and speculate on the events of Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter 301.

Note: The post leading holds possible spoilers so move at your own will.


Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301: Ban vs Demon King Meliodas

nanatsu no taizai chapter 301

It seems like even Mael is surprised by Ban, although I’m not sure if he’s going to be sufficient to overpower the Demon King. I suppose we’ll have to wait for the Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301 in order to see Ban’s full power. Him being so fearless and talking while standing right next to Demon King Meliodas is the absolute symbolic description for what he is been through in Purgatory.

At this point, Ban has decades of experience fighting the Demon King and information on how his powers really work. Who would be the best fit for the job? Ban getting at least a solid hit on Demon King controlled Meliodas is the ideal way to make up for the hundreds of chapters of absence and no power up. I’m super excited to see what emerges in Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301.

Seven Deadly Sins Chapter 301
Demon King Meliodas Vs Sinner

It’s also plausible Meliodas and Ban came up with a counter plan to hold the Demon King in his paths. I do question why emotionless Meliodas ever thought it would be a great idea to become Demon King if there was the inherent danger of being possessed.


After struggling the Demon King in purgatory for hundreds of years, Ban might truly stand a chance next to Demon King Meliodas, I mean, Yeah he did fail every time, but he presumably has the best odds of anyone within that group right now. Let’s observe how things may disclose in Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301.

Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 301 is titled as ” The feeling of all,” This chapter is going to release on 21st Feb 2019 on its official timing. However, the raw scans for chapter 301 will be out 2-3 days earlier to the official date.

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 Also read: Nanatsu no Taizai chapter 302: Demon King Vs Emo Meliodas