Dr. Stone Chapter 135 Delayed, New Release Date, Ibara and Senku

Chapter 134 is finally out, this chapter was worth every second of the wait! We just can’t wait for the next chapter. If you’re expecting Dr. Stone Chapter 135 this week. It’s sad to inform you that this chapter is not releasing this week. Now, Let’s break down and speculate on the events of the next chapter. But before that, here is a spoiler warning for you. The post ahead contains spoilers so continue at your own will.

Dr. Stone Chapter 135: Senku and Ibara

Senku’s left hand was somewhat petrified when struck by the light, but at that moment, we don’t see what was in his right hand. His face yet has his scars from the first petrification, which means that the Island-wide petrification never touched his face. Dr. Stone Chapter 135 might reveal how Senku emerged from one petrification wave unpetrified.


Senku simply saw the petrification beam’s speed, waited for his hand to get through the petrification wave’s front. This way a depetrification waveforms on his statue’s exterior, and tracks right behind the petrification wave breaking the petrification as it goes, so each part of him got petrified for a few milliseconds. As for the scars, that little amount of time apparently wasn’t enough to heal them noticeably, after all even Ryuusui had been petrified for days before he got out the 2nd time.

Dr. Stone 135

Senku was told the extension of the petrification ray was uniform, he was able to use his friends as a way to determine the velocity of the expanding radius. Using this he was able to pour the depetrification acid onto himself only before he was petrified. So that time after he was petrified the acid would affect him and revive him.

Ibara certainly has more solid access to the Medusa. However, Senku has already explained he has some unknown method for avoiding petrification. Even if that method is simply using the Nital on himself, and Senku is out, Ibara doesn’t know this. Moreover, Ibara doesn’t trust his athletic abilities to initiate the medusa safely.


Release date-

Chapter 135 is going to officially release on 6th Jan 2020. Let’s see how things release next week. To read ‘Dr. Stone‘ manga, just visit the Viz website or you can install the Manga+ app.

The double issue just indicates that there’s one issue of Weekly Shounen Jump for the next two weeks. The magazine gets a break next week and there will be no chapters for any series in Shonen Jump. The number of manga chapters for each series this week was still the same as always.

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Also read: Dr. Stone Chapter 77 Confirmed Release Date, Spoilers