Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Challenges

It’s time for another cycle of weekly tasks in Fortnite and things are still seeming a bit freezing. The official Fortnite challenges for Season 7 Week 9 are now live! New challenges are opened every week in Fortnite Battle Royale and the challenges for Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 have just gone live and are ready to finish.

The Week 8 tasks for Fortnite were rather simple, but the Week 9 challenges assured a much more exciting and various list of quests.

Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Official Challenges
Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Official Challenges

Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Free challenges

Use a Sneaky Snowman in different matches (5 Battle Stars) – 3
Stage 1: Land at Retail Row (1 Battle Star)
Eliminate opponents at Junk Junction or Retail Row (10 Battle Stars)- 3

Fortnite Season 7 Week 9 Battle Pass Challenges

Pop 10 golden balloons (5 Battle Stars)- 10
Shotgun eliminations 3 (10 Battle Stars)
Stage 1: Dance on a sundial (1 Battle Star)
Finish timed trials in an X-4 Stormwing plane (10 Battle Stars)- 2

To complete the initial staged task, you’ll have to dance on tip of a sundial, an oversized cup of coffee & a giant metal dog head. A few of these tasks are simple to perform in a single match. There are two stage tasks and Golden Balloon popping could prove difficult depending on the number of them that are added to the map.


For the BP staged challenge, you’ll require to land at Retail Row, next Frosty Flights, Haunted Hills, Shifty Shafts and eventually Dusty Divot to finish it. Make sure that you complete each game if you want the challenges to add to counting your total progress. Regardless if you need to get that free battle star, covered in this week’s current loading screen, you’ll have to finish all tasks anyway.

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