This arc will be quite marvellous and I am looking ahead to it more than anything at this moment. Furthermore, this arc will be the initial arc in which the Mugiwara Pirates member won’t take part.
Reverie Arc

The Reverie is a gathering designed by the WG which consists of the world’s biggest leaders of different kingdoms.
Editor Naito talked about Reverie arc in a Twitter live streaming.

‘One Piece’ Editor Takumi Naito told on Twitter live streaming a few hours ago that Reverie will end within the following 10 chapters. He further said that he doesn’t name it Reverie “arc” because it will not remain long.
Takumi Naito also announced that Oda will not employ dozens of chapters on Reverie considering Strawhats need to invade Wano soon.
Takumi Naito said that so several important data is reviewed into Reverie that fans may feel similar to re-reading those chapters.
‘One Piece Doors!’ volume 1 will be on marketing on 4th June. It will manage cover story sketches and so from chapter 2 to 305. It appears Shueisha decided to issue this book because it will suggest the audience of some personalities who arrive in Reverie.
Ace Novel volume 2 will manage his story till he followed Whitebeard Pirates. Shueisha desired to include a more story like Marineford Summit war, though gave up because the book will be as full as an encyclopedia.
Recently, In a talk ‘One Piece’ Editor Naito and Sugita assured that Wano arc will be amazing… the greatest thing to hit the story ever since the Marineford arc.
While several nations go towards the Reverie, the WG cut relations with the Germa Kingdom for trying to be allied with the Big Mom Pirates.
As royals assembled at Mariejois, the Revolutionary Army began their plan to declare war on the World Nobles with Sabo, Morley, and Karasu penetrating the holy land.
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